Meet our dedicated team

CEO, Head of Sales and Marketing
Gregor started his career in telecommunications, building his way up in international companies and corporations. He has been the CEO and Head of Sales and Marketing at Translat from the very beginning of the company. Gregor loves cooking and travelling, and is happy to attend translation conferences in Europe and around the world, where he tries out new flavours, while at the same time presenting our services and establishing new business contacts.
+386 41 274 988
Urša started working at Translat in 2019. After completing her translation studies in 2009, she was actively involved in teaching and translating from English and German. Eventually, she decided to give up teaching and devote herself entirely to translation. She translates and reviews texts from different fields, such as medicine, pharmacology, law, technology etc., while marketing and humanities are her favourite subjects to translate. On weekends and afternoons, she enjoys spending time with her family, taking trips, and jogging.

Administrator and project manager
Nataša started to work for Translat in early 2019. Before that, she lived with her family in Luxembourg for a few years. Although her education is in natural sciences, she initially occupied the position of administrator in our company, and later also became a project manager for court-certified translations and marketing support. Even as a child, she was dedicated to cynology, and has, for the last 15 years, been an active member and competitor at the Slovenian Sighthound Club.
Senior project manager
Sara became part of our team in early 2020, as a graduate student at the translation department. At Translat, she took on the position of a project manager and translator. Although she was translating and proofreading during her studies, she says she was able to truly consolidate her knowledge in translation technologies only as she started working at Translat, where she was also able to put the professional knowledge acquired at the university into practice. She likes to tackle any language dilemma, but her true passion lies in literature and social sciences. In addition to translating and managing projects, Sara is active in animal rescue activities and enjoys travelling the world.

Junior project manager
Tjaša started to work at Translat in November 2020, when she joined our team with her long-standing experience in translation project management. With her knowledge, she importantly contributes to solving any translation challenges and sees that every project is carried out with high quality and consistency, always putting the clients first. By successfully manoeuvring between different work tasks, she makes sure that our customers are satisfied with our services.
Maja se je naši ekipi pridružila avgusta 2020, po pripravništvu, ki ga je kot prevajalka opravila v Državnem zboru. Izkušnje ima predvsem s prevajanjem diplomatske korespondence ter političnih in zakonodajnih besedil, preizkusila pa se je tudi v prevajanju strokovnih člankov s področja humanistike. Pri Translatu dela kot prevajalka in pregledovalka. V prostem času jo veseli preizkušanje različnih ročnih spretnosti in slikarskih tehnik, navdušena pa je tudi nad družabnimi plesi.

Translator and project manager
Miha has been part of the Translat team since April 2021, when he joined the company after having first completed his studies in the field of translation and history and then working about 18 months as a freelance translator. Although most of his experience is in translating and reviewing technical, legal and corporate texts, he does not mind handling any translation job or untying any language knot. Sometimes he also takes on a challenge or two in translation project management, as he helps project managers in making sure that clients are always satisfied. He used to practice handball for thirteen years, and he still engages in sports activities in his spare time, especially fitness and hiking.